
AI-Driven Development, Collaboration, and Risk Management

Think Tank - 11:10 am - 11:35 am

Controlling AI is fundamentally different than other technologies because AI systems are not limited to following predefined (and therefore auditable) rules. By leveraging advanced  models and development tools, application developers can now integrate AI capabilities independently and then enable these systems to autonomously learn and evolve over time. Equally advanced mechanisms to manage related risk and establish accountability are lagging. 

Session attendees should expect a broad and lively discussion with the following takeaways:

  1. Learn more about how to utilize predefined AI integration models and evaluate related risk
  2. Learn how to apply and test AI capabilities to build more capable and trustworthy systems
  3. Understand potential benefits of proactive self-governance programs, including management of large data sets

Presented by:

Jeff Klaben, Executive Advisor, Trusted Technologies, SRI International View details