
Regulations Mean Change

Think Tank - 10:05 am - 10:30 am

More complex regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), have come into play due to the rise of data breaches forces. Privacy regulations are the some of the fastest to be passed by a congressional state. California passed CCPA in just 7 days. As other states see the need to regulate privacy, a landslide of regulations is expected. As data today is viewed as a such an asset, it is also a tremendous liability. Understanding that, organizations have to consider both while they implement technologies that will both innovative their business, but also be cost effective. 


  1. Help bring these new regulations to the attention of executive management  
  2. How to tell business stakeholders that data protection can be a key differentiator for your organization 
  3. The steps needed to take to be regulatory compliant and create budgets to support

Presented by:

Carlin Dornbusch, CISO, American Cyber Security Management View details