

What Comes Next and Who Waits For it? Strategic Developments in Beyond-5G Mobile Networks Addressing AI, Big Data, and Privacy

Think Tank - 3:35 pm - 4:00 pm

We shall discuss some strategic developments in next generation mobile networks beyond 5G or 6G. Key is how they incorporate AI and big data processing into cloud-native solutions from scratch and how learning strategies will be adapted to secure trust and privacy. We shall critically review the role of blockchains, smart contracts in trust management platforms in different application contexts. 

Take aways: 

  1. New generation of mobile networks beyond will natively provide AI and big data processing solutions 
  2. Distributed learning strategies that incorporate privacy and trust will be predominant. Blockchains can help but scale badly 
  3. Trust management overlays support regulatory and administrative relationships as well as complex decision-making between stakeholders

Presented by:

Dr. Gerhard Wunder, Head of CIT Group - Heisenberg Associate Professor, Freie Universität Berlin