
Data Mesh - Is It Fab or Just a Fad?

Thought Leadership - 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm

One of the most hyped technologies of recent years is the data mesh. This much-debated approach promises greater availability and accessibility of data. A data mesh allows modern data architectures to embrace organisational constructs and data-centric ones. Consequently, data becomes easily accessible and interconnected across the entire business. However, many IT leaders are unwilling to embrace the data mesh in case it turns out to be the latest tech fad. 

By attending this roundtable, you will have the opportunity to air your views on the topic and discuss whether the data mesh is fab or just a fad. In addition, attendees will delve into: 
  • Will data mesh solve, once and for all, the issues of data silos
  • What needs to be taken into account when data mesh is applied to an extensive network
  • Is the data mesh too good to be true?