
Translating Automation and Transformation Strategy into a Reality

Think Tank - 10:30 am - 10:55 am

Organisations are in the pursuit of success. 

Automation has opened new possibilities and transformation will harmonise business processes that use automation tools to ensure it is going to align with the company's long-term goals.

However, success is far from guaranteed. For a business to drive future growth sustainably, they will need to increase top-line and bottom-line, which is impossible to achieve without an effective automation and transformation strategy in today's digitally accelerated world. 

The popular assumption is, if people, process, and technology work as planned, the company's strategic goals will be met. But how do you translate an automation and transformation strategy into a reality? What if businesses realise it's much harder to implement than expected? 

Join this session as we will explore why automation and AI are so important, how to transform, and what the functional nuances are that can be the difference between success and failure.