

Bring Your Own Cloud..the rise of the digital native!

Keynote Presentation - 9:50 am - 10:00 am

I live alongside Generation Z  "The digital natives". Specifically, my two kids, aged 19 and 21 , and my hope is that they as digital natives eventually develop into talented business leaders who drive change in the cloud-connected world.  I watch them learn and interact in ways I have not seen in most companies. They are enthusiastic consumers, whose work is based on their needs, availability, and mood.

To them, work, learning and interaction is something they do throughout the entire day, the 9 to 5 model does not apply here! They also prefer to use their own cloud apps, data that should be available anytime anyplace, and some pretty interesting models to get their job done! As you can imagine that comes with some interesting challenges around risk, exposure, and overall security measures! Think about it? Would your company be able to operate like this and attract those talented digital native business leaders who will bring their own perspectives, security services, and desired outcomes?

"Is your organization able to embrace the data age and attract Gen Z talent?" if you are worried, I would recommend following our session where we explain how we secure the cloud and workload!

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