

Digital Transformation: Why changing the company culture is mandatory

Think Tank - 11:45 am - 12:10 pm

Everyone talks about Digital Transformation, using digital tools to drive all aspects of the business, to connect with the customer, and to streamline internal processes. Often times these initiatives do not bear the fruit that was envisioned and slowly but surely everyone reverts back to the status quo from before the change. 

Culture is most easily defined as the "collective behavior of everyone in your organization"; and it is most always driven by the example set by the company leaders. So to change the culture, leaders need to change themselves first in action and word, to lead by example and instill the change required in the teams.  


  1. How culture drives adoption of change initiatives 
  2. Focus on a Few Critical Shifts in Behavior 
  3. Mechanisms for Getting the Most from Your Culture

Presented by:

James Clent, Chief Information Officer, Remington Hotels View details