

AI: Friend or Foe?

Think Tank - 3:55 pm - 4:20 am

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are introducing new technologies to a wide array of products across every industry, especially cybersecurity. Facial recognition and natural language processing have become a reality thanks to deep learning algorithms, however, there is a dark side to these advancements. Cybercriminals have managed to weaponize AI to create extremely intricate malware and attack methods. This has forced organizations to use advanced heuristic solutions rather than counting on known vulnerability and attack signatures. 

  1. Artificial Intelligence products are already being deployed in many cyber security products 
  2. How to apply the 9 principles for AI in cyber sec in an enterprise 
  3. Assessment of AI in Cyber Sec for Optimized investments 
  4. AI CyberSec maturity model

Presented by:

Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Director (Cloud Security) - Strategy, Architecture & Innovation, BMO Financial Group View details