
AI and Automation Made for Each Other

Think Tank - 10:35 am - 11:00 am

By integrating systems that can make sense of data and machines capable of following commands, AI and automation have combined forces to create a powerful business solution. Typically, automation solutions like workflow, document capture, business-rule based decisions and RPA are designed to follow logical commands. But by adding machine learning- where computers have the ability to derive insights and learn without being programmed- with automation software, IBM solutions can anticipate and recommend next steps based on results from past actions, govern how machines act on insights from AI, and display recommendations for knowledge-workers for better outcomes. 

  1. Leverage AI to optimize knowledge work
  2. Model job roles to provide assistive automation that frees human time for higher value activities
  3. Leverage AI in transactional business applications with trust, transparency and business controls.

Presented by:

Bill Lobig, Vice President Digital Business Automation, IBM