
Data Security, Cloud, Access Controls & Regulations: What's Ahead for 2018?

Executive Boardroom - 2:30 pm - 2:55 pm

The business engine runs on the fuel of massive data, now found everywhere and threatened by dark actors while coming under more and more compliance mandates that also threaten the business with significant fines.

  1. Digital Security Central To Enterprise Strategy & Threat Landscape
    1. Data is now everywhere - on-prem, cloud, contained by third parties.
    2. Cloud has its challenges and only partially mitigates risk
    3. Recent (2017) breaches - analysis
    4. New and emerging regulations now pose a "threat" to the business with mandates that contain teeth and businesses are not ready.
    5. It is really all about the data now, isn't it? The mandates are written around data security, privacy and consent.
  2. Access Controls
    1. What does the emerging threat landscape look like?
    2. One of the key issues allowing these threats to take place is a broken data model.
  3. Governance & Regulations
    1. GDPR, NY CRR - Broad Impacts (not technical)
    2. Address compliance / build around risk (Why the regulations exist in the first place)
    3. What are the basics?